There are 45,697,600 different possible license plates. If no letters or numbers are repeated, there are 32,292,000 possible license plates.
For the first question, we can repeat letters and digits.
represent a letter and
represent a digit. The license plate format given is:
For each letter, there are 26 letters to choose from (alphabet). For each digit, there are 10 numbers to choose from (0-9).
Since we're choosing 4 letters and 2 numbers, the number of possible license plates is:
If we stipulate that no letter or digit may be repeated, then we'll still have 26 choices for the first letter, but for the second letter, we'll only have 25. Then 24, 23, and so on. Similarly, for the first digit, there will be 10 choices, then 9, 8, and so on.
Therefore, the desired answer for the second part of the question is:
*Note that we don't need to account for rearrangements as
are considered different license plates (order matters).