Moving away from home is a great way to assert your independence and you don’t need to be going to college to leave your hometown. If you really want to see what “the college experience” is all about, you could even move to a college town, sit in on some classes, and enjoy the perks of campus life without the expense.
What to do when you don't want to go to college?
Eat some good food, go to a concert, a ball game, or do some shopping. Anything that will take you off campus for a day or two is bound to refresh your outlook. If you are considering leaving your school because you just don't think it's a good fit for you, do some investigating - and not just online. When you are home, you are missing out on chances to meet new people at school and do new things like attending football games, having Sunday brunch at the dining hall with your floormates, and getting involved in student organizations. You will get the hang of things eventually.
Why not going to college is ok.
Some people are insanely talented in aspects of their life that do not pertain to academics. That is fantastic because they can pursue something they have a natural aptitude for, but they make the mistake of actually hindering themselves by going to college. If your talents are not accurately reflected through grades, you’re only going to have a tough time. It’s better to not attend college to hone your skills and have a head start in the workforce.
Step-by-step explanation:
I hope this helps.