Answer: 1. Apparent solar time
2. Universal time
3. Leap year
4. Daylight savings time
5. Standard time
6. Mean solar time
Step-by-step explanation:
1. When the Sun casts the shortest shadows of the day, it is noon according to (apparent solar time)
2. The time in Greenwich, England is also known as (universal time)
3. The calendar year has 366 days during a (leap year)
4. The Sun reaches its highest point closer to 1 p.m. than to noon when our clocks are set to (daylight saving time)
5. (Standard time) was invented to solve train scheduling problems caused by the fact that apparent (and mean) solar time can differ between locations separated by just a few miles.
6. The length of the solar day is usually at least a few seconds different from 24 hours, so when we use 24-hour clocks we are keeping track of (mean solar time)