Step-by-step explanation:
Cognitive approach of Schizophrenia
This approach simply uses a more complex psychological factors of humans faulty thought processes such as attention and perception in its explanation of what Schizophrenia is all about. These factors used are as a result of on specific brain mechanisms and schizophrenia develops in individuals where connections between these mechanisms controlling these cognitive functions are bad. This approach therefore suggest
s that Schizophrenia is the result of bad/faulty information processing.
There are two theories within the explanation
1. Frith theory,
2. Hemsley theory
The Frith's theory stated that sufferers of schizophrenia cannot filter information properly and too much unnecessary information is absorbed
. the theory explains auditory hallucinations and delusions.
Hemsley's stated that schizophrenia occurs as a result of disconnection between stored knowledge and sensory input and it explains all the hallucinations, disorganized thoughts and behavior.