I use complex analysis to compute the integrals in question.
First, notice that the first integrand is even:
Consider a contour C that's the union of
• Γ, a semicircle of radius R in the upper half-plane, and
• the line segment connecting the points (-R, 0) and (R, 0)
On Γ, we have
with 0 ≤ t ≤ π.
Consider the complex function
and notice that our original integrand is the real part of f(z). Then the integral of f(z) over C is
As R → ∞, the first integral on the right is exactly twice the one we want. Estimate the second one to be bounded by
and so the integral along Γ vanishes.
f(z) has only one pole in the interior of C at z = i. By the residue theorem,
For the second integral, we recall that for complex z,
Consider a keyhole contour C, the union of
, the larger circle with radius R and
, with 0 < t < 2π ;
, the smaller circle with radius ε and
, with 0 < t < 2π ;
, the line segment above the positive real axis joining
; and
, the other line segment below the positive real axis joining
and in the limit, the integral over
converges to the one we want.
Estimate the integrals over the circular arcs:
as R → ∞.
as ε → 0.
Consider the integral over
so in fact,
By the residue theorem,
We have poles at z = -1 + 2i and z = -1 - 2i. On our chosen branch,
The residues are
Their sum is
where ɸ = (√5 + 1)/2 is the golden ratio, and so the overall integral is
Lastly, recall
Then our expression reduces to