it will take Jerry 4 blocks to get home. 3 blocks West and 1 block South
We use our vector notation to describe the problem. Since Jerry walks 3 blocks North, he moves in the direction 3j. He then walks 4 blocks East in the direction 4i. He walks 2 blocks South in the direction -2j and 1 block West in the direction -i.
So, his position vector r = 3j + 4i - 2j - i = 4i - i + 3j - 2j = 3i + j.
Now if we assume his home was at the origin, then his initial position r₀ = 0i + 0j
Since he is supposed to return home from his current position, his displacement is final position - initial position = r₀ - r = 0i + 0j -(3i + j) = 0i - 3i + 0i - i = -3i - j
Since -i means movement in the West direction, -3i means movement 3 blocks West.
Since -j means movement in the Southern direction, -j means movement 1 blocks South.
So, it will take Jerry 1 + 3 blocks = 4 blocks to get home. 3 blocks West and 1 block South