Hi. This question is incomplete. However, when searching for it on the internet, I was able to find another question, very similar to yours, which asked you to recommend ways to keep this patient in good health and body weight. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.
The first recommendation is that this woman avoid foods that contain processed and refined macronutrients, as they are not able to meet the needs of her body efficiently, in addition to being more difficult to be digested and have high levels of fat. Therefore, it is preferable that this woman eats natural products, mainly vegetables, which will help her to efficiently digest macronutrients, supplying her body's needs.
It would be necessary for this woman to increase the frequency in which she exercises and do a greater variety of exercises, treating different parts of her body and working on her muscles, making her body stronger, in addition to controlling her body weight.