1. Yes, I believe my abilities and intelligence can grow with effort. The problem is putting in the effort! But once I put in the effort it's worth it.
2. No, my favorite work is not the ones I do with little to no effort. I like a decent challenge. This is one way I can grow and it makes me feel good about my accomplishments.
3. If I learn new things, isn't this changing my intelligence? If I didn't know what 2+2 was, and I learn it's 4, I've grown. I now have the knowledge that 2+2=4.
4. I know many people are smarter than me. I don't view this as an unclimbable obstacle, however. I just think, "Haven't gotten there just yet!"
5. If I make mistakes, which I always will, I might get irritated. But making mistakes is good for a person, any person, because they now know that 2+2 does not equal 3. So what does it equal? Try again and again until you see it equals 4.
6. Having a growth mindset means that I see and understand that challenges will come but I will not let those knock me down. Sure, I may make mistakes, but I will learn from them.
7. Yes, I experience stress, I'm constantly worrying, "Will I be able to make it? Will I continue and graduate?" It's stressful to see all the assignments I have to do and then take them on. It seems overwhelming.
8. Oh my gosh, like 24/7! Personally, I am a very shy person, constantly worrying about what people think of me, do they think I'm s.tupid, awkward, annoying? And I have many personal issues I have to conquer and sometimes I feel like I'm facing them completely on my own.