Greek Mythology has left us an invaluable heritage of tales with envious gods, courageous heroes, epic adventures and stories of vengeance and love. The corpus of Greek Mythology is immerse and we would need several volumes of books to cover most of the stories. However, as it is natural, some of those stories are more beloved than others. Here is an abridgment of 30 of the most famous tales from Greek Mythology.
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Theogony: Clash of the Titans
According to Hesiod’s Theogony, in the beginning, there was only Chaos. Dense darkness covered everything until the Earth was born out of Chaos and the mountains, the sea, and then the sky (Uranus) with the sun, the moon and the stars. Then Uranus and Earth came together and gave birth to the Titans. But, Uranus was afraid that one of his children would take his throne. That is why he enclosed every one of them in the depths of the Earth. But his son, Cronus, the strongest of the Titans, defeated him and became world leader. He married Rhea, who gave birth to two gods and three goddesses: Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia and Demeter.