India was invaded around 1500 BCE by a group of people known as the Aryans. They conquered the primary inhabitants of India, who were known as the Dayus. The Aryans were comprised of quite different physical and cultural features in contrast to the Dayus; the Aryans were a white race and the Dayus were a dark race. The primal Indians in the north believed in supreme gods and spirits and never believed in idolatry. The Aryans spoke a different language, worshipped different gods, and had different cultural practices. Their influence in India was prominent as the majority of Indians today speak and value the Indo-Aryan language and culture.
The Aryans had a rich culture that still influences India today. The Aryans were primarily warrior-nomadic people and their main source of wealth was cattle. However, after the migration into India there was a greater urgency to retain copper, iron ore, and minerals for profits. During this time, the head of the household gained respect primarily through trade, manufacturing, or farming. The Aryan society was patriarchal and much of the importance was placed on the male, therefore an abundance of Aryan gods were males. The women in the Aryan culture were usually housewives, and the women were said to be very skilled in weaving. In technological advancements, the Aryans were mostly interested in making chariots, tools and weapons and did not concentrate much efforts into building anything else. The Aryans annexed various tribes and communities on their journey towards India and were successful because they were nomadic people and their food supply of cattle was easy to transport. They had mastered the art of using horse-chariots for war and they also held great knowledge of heavy transportation using ox-carts. The male’s communal life consisted of sabha, “denoting both the tribal assembly and its mote hall”, which was for the males only, and featured gambling, fights, chariot races and female dancers. The Aryans had a simplistic culture; however, their language was influential and distinctive.