2 votes


File name: 2 String Formatting
Task 1: Fill the blank using string formatting: Use 2 different ways to complete the sentence
first_name = 'Baby'
last_name = 'shark'
___ ___ doo doo doo doo doo doo
Print out: Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Task 2: Write a program that aligns with the image below, using string formatting.

Task #3 Mad libs:
Mad_libs = '''Face it {name}, you are about the greatest thing since
{favorite_food}. No one else can {verb1} like you can.
Your best friend says you are the {adjective1}-est person in
the world. Sure, you once {embarassing_thing_you_did},
but you also {honorable_thing_you_did}. So, {favorite_endearment},
today is the day you're going to stop beating up on yourself for being
{negative_adjective1} and start loving yourself for being
{positive_adjective1}, {postive_adjective2} and {positive_adjective3}.
And if people give you a {adjective2} time, just tell'em they can take
their {noun} and {verb2} it to the trash.'''

PYTHON! PLEASE HELPP File name: 2 String Formatting Task 1: Fill the blank using string-example-1
User DukeSilver
6.6k points

1 Answer

3 votes

Step-by-step explanation:

hi dude 15 Alignment, font styles, and horizontal rules



Background color


Floating objects

Float an object

Float text around an object


Font style elements: the TT, I, B, BIG, SMALL, STRIKE, S, and U elements

Font modifier elements: FONT and BASEFONT

Rules: the HR element

This section of the specification discusses some HTML elements and attributes that may be used for visual formatting of elements. Many of them are deprecated.

15.1 Formatting

15.1.1 Background color

Attribute definitions

bgcolor = color [CI]

Deprecated. This attribute sets the background color for the document body or table cells.

This attribute sets the background color of the canvas for the document body (the BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR, TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes for specifying text color can be used with the BODY element.

This attribute has been deprecated in favor of style sheets for specifying background color information.

15.1.2 Alignment

It is possible to align block elements (tables, images, objects, paragraphs, etc.) on the canvas with the align element. Although this attribute may be set for many HTML elements, its range of possible values sometimes differs from element to element. Here we only discuss the meaning of the align attribute for text.

Attribute definitions

align = left|center|right|justify [CI]

Deprecated. This attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of its element with respect to the surrounding context. Possible values:

left: text lines are rendered flush left.

center: text lines are centered.

right: text lines are rendered flush right.

justify: text lines are justified to both margins.

The default depends on the base text direction. For left to right text, the default is align=left, while for right to left text, the default is align=right.

User Talves
6.9k points