9514 1404 393

It can be convenient to convert these to base 8 for comparison. (Bases 2, 4, and 8 are easily interconverted by regrouping the base-2 bits of the number.) Using periods to mark groups of bits, we have ...
1000100₂ ⇒ 1.000.100₂ ⇒ 104₈
10100₄ ⇒₂ ⇒₂ ⇒ 0420₈
Then the numbers in order are, smallest to largest, ...
- 1000100₂ ⇒ 104₈
- 10100₄ ⇒ 420₈
- 643₈
When the sum of digits in a column equals or exceeds the base, then 1 is carried to the next column to the left, and the excess is written as the sum of the column. In base 2, this means 1+1 = 10. In base 4, this means 3+1=10, or 1+2+2=11.
Subtraction of a larger digit from a smaller one can be done by "borrowing" 1 (the amount of the base) from the next column to the left. In base 8, for example, this means 32-7 = 23.
These rules are identical to the rules that apply in base ten arithmetic.