There are 4 ways of arranging icons:
- By name.
- by type.
- by date
- or by size.
Step-by-step explanation:
Click right-click a blank desktop area and then click Arrange icons to arrange icons for name, type, date, or size. Click on the command to show how the icons should be organized (by Name, by Type, and so on).
Click Auto Arrange to set the icons automatically. Click Auto Arrange to remove the checkmark if you want to set the icons alone.
- Right-click the Desktop and from the resulting shortcut menu select View; make sure that Auto Arrange Icons are not selected.
Destroy it before proceeding to the next step if selected.
- Click on the desktop with the righ-click.
- Choose Sort-by from the resulting shortcut menu and then click on the desktop shortcut criteria.
- Any icon can be clicked and dragged to a different place on your desktop, for instance, to separate your favorite game from other desktop icons to help you easily find it.