A lot of sources are used in this article. The American Educational Research Association gives us data on teacher turnover rate and how it is much higher for young teachers and is higher than other professions. It was surprising to ready that “45% of young teachers leave their jobs within the first 5 years,” because that’s almost half of all young teachers. Hearing this makes the reader wonder about what’s so bad that the teachers aren’t staying at their jobs when they are young and full of energy. Dave Eggers opinion piece says that the cost of teacher turnover in the U.S. is $7.34 billion per year. That is a lot of money! That means we are paying a price for this high rate of attrition. Dewey continues Eggers’ point by saying that putting back this lost money into teacher salaries “would likely lower turnover and budgetary shortfalls in the first place.” It seems like a no brainer to do this, but instead, initial teacher salaries continue to be low and many college graduates would not even consider getting into the teaching profession at this rate.