2/18=0.1 repeating.
3/3 = 1
Multiplying these together get you 0.1 repeating.
There is only one rule that makes a number irrational.
This is a number that is not divisiable by two integers, and is not capable of being expressed as a fraction.
0.1, as we know, can be written as 2/18, or 1/9.
So it must be a rational number.
Something you may not know - Rational numbers CAN be infinitly repeating numbers.
For instance, 0.111 like shown above is repeating, and its rational.
However, pi is a repeating number...but its irrational.
This is not because its infinitly repeating, this is actually becuase it is not divisiable by two numbers, and cannot be put into fraction form.
Some people think infinitly repeating numbers are irrational, however this is not correct, for some fractions are actually repeating.
Hope this helps!