Limestone is a common chemical sedimentary rock. It is generally light in color and composed from calcium carbonate-rich minerals including calcite and aragonite. Its presence in rocks can be detected by dropping acid on a sample of rock and looking for any signs of bubbling.
Physical Properties of Magnesite:
Chemical Classification Carbonate
Luster Dull, earthy, chalky, rarely vitreous
Diaphaneity Cryptocrystalline material is usually opaque; otherwise translucent to transparent. Often impure.
Cleavage Perfect, but often not seen in cryptocrystalline specimens.
The Physical Properties of Tungsten
Tungsten has a steel-like appearance but has a high melting point, low vapor pressure, and a low evaporation rate. Its melting point is as high as 3410 ° C and its boiling point can reach 5927 ° C.