1. Don’t post anything online you want to keep private, 2. Make use of privacy settings on social media. 3. Protect your passwords, 4. Ignore the bully if possible. 5. Resist the urge to fire back, 6. Block whoever is harassing you, 7. Get the help of someone.
Spread positivity!
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Simply. You already know.
2. Making your accounts private will limit outsiders from accessing your information, but won’t keep it totally secure.
3. Don’t write passwords down, store them in your phone, or share them with anyone else.
Choose passwords that are difficult to guess.
4. Ignore the bully only if it's a first-time, mild comment or action online.
If the bully’s actions are repeated or severe, respond.
5. If someone says something cruel online, it's tempting to say something mean about them. Trying to get even rarely works with a cyber bully, however. “Trolls” feed on people getting upset at their harassing comments and posts online. Don’t give them that satisfaction.
6. If you've had problems with someone, even if you don't consider it full-fledged bullying, you could just cut off all online contact with them. Social media platforms, email services, phone service providers, and other outlets all provide ways to block particular users.
7. Whether you've been the target of bullying, feel you're at risk for being bullied, or just want to stop the problem in general, let someone else know what's going on. If you’re underage, talk to an adult, like a parent or school counselor. Otherwise, talk to a friend or mentor for support.
Hope this helps!