9514 1404 393
It helps to understand the factoring of the numbers involved.
63 = 3²·7
140 = 2²·5·7
The "change of base" formula is also useful.

Using this, we can write ...
a = log(3)/log(2) ⇒ log(3) = a·log(2)
b = log(5)/log(3) ⇒ log(5) = b·log(3) = ab·log(2)
c = log(2)/log(7) ⇒ log(2) = c·log(7)
This lets us write everything in terms of log(7):
log(2) = c·log(7)
log(3) = ac·log(7)
log(5) = abc·log(7)
The desired logarithm is ...

The attachment is a numerical check of this result.