little character description
short time frame
one or two main events or actions
few main characters
Most of what we call "Bible stories" are actually excerpts, or small parts of much larger stories, that cover the history of God's work through Israel and the church. In this sense, these stories are like chapters or episodes. Nonetheless, these smaller pieces share much in common with "story-book-length" stories, the kind you can read or hear in one sitting. Most Bible stories include the following features:
The time covered by the Bible story is usually brief--a few hours, a few days, or possibly two or three separated periods of time, all closely related in some way.
The action of the story centers around one happening or possibly two or three closely related incidents.
The story usually has only a few main characters. Any other characters must be necessary to the action and not interesting in themselves. Not much description is given, either of the looks of the characters, the look of the scenery, or the thoughts of the characters. The Bible story is too brief a time to allow for extensive character development.