Email writing to a friend about the cleaning campaign organized.
Step-by-step explanation:
To: richi e _ ab c ma i ldotc o m
From: Dashi _ b cdm aildotc om
Dated: 18 May 2018
My dear Richie,
Recently I participated in a cleaning event organized by the residents' welfare association of our locality. The aim was to not only clean the area but also to spread awareness about cleanliness.
So, we all brought disposable bags and collected the ga rba ge along the roads and parks. We also cleaned the public places and placed ga rb age bins in places. The adult also demonstrated how to take care of our surroundings, be it the plants and other things, and also how to maintain cleanliness whenever in public places.
The experience was eye-opening as I had never thought it would be such a big deal in society. I now know the importance of doing our part and being conscious of the environment. It also helped me understand the need to educate others who don't know much about it.
Hope to see you soon. Take care.