Understand, analyze, interpret (1 hr, 20 points) 6. a. What verbal tense dominates in the second par graph? (1 point) b. Pick up two shapes that each illustrate an emp! different from this time and indicate what job it is (2 points) Questions on the text (document A) 1. In the name of what values does Stéphane Hessel call the young generation to be indignant? (2 points) 2. Identify three different means or processes used by the author to appeal to his recipients. (3 points) 3. What role does recalling the past play in his talk? (2 points) 4. What dangers have replaced the threat today? Nazi, according to the author? Explain why you should fear them. (2 points) 5. a. Break the word down in purple and come up with a meaning. (1.5 points) b. Find in the text three words of the same family as this word and indicate their nature. (1.5 points)
Step-by-step explanation:
This is the english translation sorry I don't know the answer try asking it in the english or history section