The GCF of the terms is 2c
Greatest common factor:
To find the gcf of the expression, we find the gcf separately for the numbers and for the powers of c, and then multiply them.
8, 12 and 10.
Dividing them all by prime factors:
8 - 12 - 10|2
4 - 6 - 5
5 is not divisible by 2, so we stop there, and the gcf of the numbers is 2.
Powers of c:
Powers of c are 1, 2 and 3. The gcf of 1,2,3 is 1, as there is not a number that is divisible by all of 1,2,3 other than 1. So the gcf for the powers of c is c^1 = c.
GCF of the expression:
2*c = 2c