Written by Applepi101
There are various factors of gender segregation, such as roles or behavior, which a gender can either be looked down upon for. One example is cooking. Assuming a woman doesn't know how to cook has become the social, and cultural norm in society, something that women and girls must know how to do, as if a responsibility. However, men are denied leave to take care of children sometimes, something that women are granted without hesitation, and that men must always be dominant, while females cook, clean, etc. If a man looks after the children, you may think, "wow, what a responsible father" although it is a human's utter responsibility to look after one's own children, regardless of gender expectations and norms. Depending on gender, there are also masculine and feminine characteristics attributed to women and men, such as men "cannot cry" and women are said to be more "sensitive" although the roles may be reversed, very few recognize that.
For every 100 boys who go to school, only 55 females do, and this continues for the fact that women must be married immediately, not having the opportunity to pursue a career, their hobbies, a degree, or their passions. Men are thereby employed, while females raise girls behind curtains, and at 18, seeing them as a burden, marry them off. How come when the female in the home is taking care of practically everything, and the male is expected to earn, there is still a system of dowry, that the male must "take care of her" and that too be paid for it! Gender discrimination still exists and the community and world must do its best to get rid of the harmful stereotypes.
Hope this helps!