33 Jal Street
Lahore, Pakistan
16th June 2021
The Editor
Daily Times
Dear Editor,
The Lack of Law and Order in Pakistan.
My name is Hammad. I am writing you this letter in order to highlight the continuous and deteriorating state of law and order in the Pakistani Nation.
Since we gained independence as a nation, Pakistan has been plagued with lots of issues with law and order. Some of these issues are contained in this letter.
Pakistan has become a haven for terrorism and destruction. The sounds of bomb blasts have become so common that people no longer live in fear of them. Also there is the problem of target killing and kidnapping. Lots of lives are lost daily and the government of Pakistan seems to be lost on how to tackle the problem.
One big problem that civilians face is that people are not free to express themselves. There seems to be a clamp don on fundamental human rights , this has made a lot of people to keep shut over the years on the state of the nation.
I request that you help to highlight these problems in your newspaper so we can get the World to hear us.
thank You.
yours sincerely,
Hammad Ali