Orion Balatik Big Dipper Apparent Brightness Absolute Brightness Polaris Star Trail Malihe Gemini Buwaya 1. Local constellation that signifies the start of rainy season in the Philippines. 2. Local constellation that appears in the month of March. 3. It is seen in the Philippines during the months of April and May. 4. The constellation where we can find Merak and Dubhe. 5. It is the brightes star in the constelation Ursa Minor (Little Dipper). 6. It is a type of photograph that utilizes long-exposure times to capture the apparent motion of stars in the night sky due to the rotation of the Earth. 7. The star's brightness as seen from the Earth. 8. The brightness of the stars if they are at the same standard distance from Earth. 9. This constellation means hunter and is prominent in the night sky all over the world during winter. 10. The local constellation that appears on the month of February and signifies start of planting and setting of traps to protect the crops from animals.