Percentages, fractions, and decimals are tightly connected.
- When breaking the meaning of "percent" down, you get "per" (for each) and "cent" ("hundred" in French), so a percent is always a number over 100.
- A fraction is one number divided by another, a part of a whole.
- A decimal is a number expressed with the base-ten system of counting.
This being said, if you get 41%, remember that you can write it as a fraction of the number over 100, which would be
. You can then turn it into a decimal*, which would be 0.41.
*when you have a two-digit whole number as the numerator of a fraction with denominator 100, the decimal form would just be 0. the numerator and the percent would be the numerator %. If the numerator is a whole one-digit number and the denominator is 100, the decimal form would be 0.0 the numerator, and the percent would still be just the numerator %.
- e.g. for a fraction of
, the decimal is 0.17 and the percent is 17%. - e.g. for a fraction of
, the decimal is 0.03 and the percent is 3%.