- P
- P
- P
- N
- P
- N
- N
Step-by-step explanation:
Indicate whether the following events have a positive or negative impact on the
environment. Write P if it is positive, or N if it is negative.
1. The government wants to reduce the number of endangered
2. In this town people want to get together to solve ecological problems.
3. In addition, we are looking for ways to combat the destruction of
recyclable materials: paper, glass and cans.
4. Some people find that saving energy is not important.
5. In my house we have improved the heating system. Now, it works better, is
more efficient and consumes less electricity.
6. There are people who doubt that conserving the environment is so important
as the experts say.
7. There are animals and birds that are in danger of extinction due to the
destruction of tropical forests.