Final answer:
The question involves programming a shape management system where users can add shapes and view a list of current shapes, showing each shape's name and total area.
Step-by-step explanation:
The question involves writing a program that manages shapes with the capability for a user to add new shapes and to print information about the shapes stored. When a user chooses to create a new shape, the program will prompt them for the size and the number of shapes they wish to create, storing this information in an array. Whenever the user elects to view the current shapes, the program will display the name and the total area for each shape in the console.
In a real-world application, you would need to determine how to calculate the area for each kind of shape and devise a menu system that can handle user input and maintain an array of created shapes. The program would likely involve loops for the menu, conditionals for the shape selection, and methods for storing and displaying shape information.