1. OVERDEPENDENCE ON DEVELOPED NATIONS:If international co-operation is not controlled,it may lead to over dependence on the developed countries, neighbours and associations. Overdependence can lead to loss of sovereignty, independence,and national pride.The country can sacrifice part of her national interest to international organizations in the name of co-operation.
2. HEALTH RISKS OR TRANSMISSION OF DISEASES:The free movement of people due to international co-operation has led to the distribution and spreading of communicable diseases across international boundaries or countries.As people and animals move across international borders,so also is the movement of diseases and pests.For example,the continuous spreading of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases across West Africa is a source of concern to many government in the sub-region.
3.IMPOSITON OF CONDITIONALITY:Over reliance on the international community leads to imposition of conditionality that may ruin our development efforts.For example,the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Word Bank always come with certain conditions before they advance their financial assistance.For example,in 2009,the Government of Ghana was asked by the IMF to privatise the Ghana Commercial Bank,Freeze employment in the public and civil services for three years, and put a hold on recruitment to armed forces before the nation could be granted a budgetary support loan of $1.2 billion.
4. DUMPING OF SUB - STANDARD GOODS:If the country fails to adhere to her self - reliant principles,but allows the influx of commodities from outside into the country,our market or economy may become a dumping ground for all manners of goods and services i.e. inferior,shoddy, and sub -standard ones.The dumping of second hand electrical gadgets into Ghana is a source of concern to many environmentalists and the government.