first off there is no choices provided but i will write an essay why i think kids should write notes
Step-by-step explanation:
7 reasons why kids should write notes
number 1 kids need to learn better penmaship if they dont write notes as a kids there handwriting will sucks for pretty much the rest of there lives
number 2 next years if you get all the notes and give it to a kid next year he will struggle less because you wrote all the good information
number 3 capacity space if you remeber all your classes info your brain will be tired of rembering things and you get really stressed
number 4 bad habbits if kids keep doing this they will build up bad habbits and they will do this for the rest of there lives espaccialy at jobs.
number 5 teachers even if you remember stuff teachers will still not trust you and they will get mad at you not participating in there class
number 6 students if a student needs help with a problem and you didnt right it down then you cant really know how to help
number 7 only meh kids think this can work and what do kids have low brain capacity so this will 99% of the time not work