It looks like your first account increases linearly,
unless you have a typo and meant:
f(x) = 10,125(1.83)^x
the second
exponential and can be written as
g(r) = 9,638(1.95)^r
clearly g(r) has a higher percentage change since 1.95 > 1.83
a more interesting question might have been: When will the amount be the same?
10,125(1.83)^x = 9,638(1.95)^x
10,125(1.83)^x = 9,638(1.95)^x
(1.83)^x = .951901...(1.95)^x
take log of both sides and use log rules
xlog1.83 = log .951901... + log 1.95
x(log 1.83 - log 1.95) = log .951901...
x = .776..
f(.776..) = 10,125(1.83)^.776.. = 1618410
g(.776..) = 9,638(1.95)^.776... = 16184.10