In basketball, the stance you take when you first get possession of the ball will depend on the specific situation and what you plan to do with the ball next. Here are a few common stances:
- 1. Triple Threat Stance: This is a fundamental stance where you hold the ball with both hands at your chest, with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. From this position, you can either dribble, pass or shoot.
- 2. Athletic Stance: This stance is similar to the triple threat stance, but your feet are slightly wider apart, and your knees are bent more deeply. It is a more defensive position, allowing you to quickly move in any direction.
- 3. Pivot Stance: If you catch the ball while standing still, you can use a pivot stance to survey the court and look for passing options. In this stance, you keep one foot planted and pivot on it, while using the other foot to step in different directions.
Overall, the stance you take will depend on the specific situation, your position on the court, and your next move with the ball. It's important to practice different stances and be able to quickly adjust based on the situation.