Write a python program to build a simple BMI calculator, where your program asks the user to input the height and the weight of the user then displays the BMI and statement stating the overall health of each user . All the data should be in variables , and no functions should be used.
The program should contain the following:
Welcome message- Display your full name, project name and give a small description on your project (definition of the BMI) [2 marks]
Variables :
height variable , input by the user [2 marks]
Weight variable , input by the user [2 marks]
Use a proper data type change function , int() or float() [2 marks]
Calculate the BMI by using the input variables of the height and the weight . [4 marks]
Display the BMI with statement based on the result of the BMI , refer to the below table [6 marks]
Critical thinking :
After running the code, don't stop the program and ask the user for a new input for a new calculation .(use loop , Break )
Do you want to make a new calculation ? if no end the program , if yes start the code again .[2 marks]