Dear Brian,
How are you? Please send my regards to your mom.
As you know prior our conversation last week, I recently went to Detroit for my Photography class. While I was taking pictures, you won't believe what happened next. It happened so fast-- one minute, I saw a man running then the next, he was laying down bleeding in the street! I was scared and worried for my safety! I think I screamed as loud as the other people around me as we all see the car speeding out of the crime scene after they were done shooting the man. I have no idea if this person is involved in a gang related activity or not-- all I know is that someone is murdered in broad daylight. Luckily the police came, and I managed to left safely, but I still can't get the image of the man's crumbled body in front of me.
I heard you're moving into this town next month, although I suggest to look for a place somewhere to live because this town is dangerous, I have no choice to say on the matter. I can only give you an advice to stay safe: make sure you look the door at all times (especially at night or when you have to live), avoid going out at night or letting suspicious individuals inside your home, and also pursue a weapon to protect yourself.
Stay safe my friend. I always worry for your safety.
Step-by-step explanation: