I found this online, you can pick the best parts for yourself.
Please, do not stop buying products made by voluntary child labor. The vast majority of products made by child labor are made voluntarily. I’m sure there are rare exceptions to this where slave labor is being employed to create some product or two. I would suggest not purchasing any product created by any sort of slave labor (child or not).
Am I a heartless child hater? Not at all. I understand the only way to create wealth is in the market. Parents cannot feed their children and themselves in many developing countries. The children in these situations must labor to survive. Parents of these children are not sitting home whipping their children and sitting back on the cash their children have earned. They work too. Those children may not be able to attend school, but they will reach adulthood without becoming a drug runner or prostitute. All because they could find a safer job which allows them and their families to survive.
So unless you’d like to create death and degradation to make believe you are doing good for these truly poor families, buy those products all day everyday when they are the best choice for the fulfilling of your situational need. Then yell, HOORAY! for the market which gives them a good chance of a future.