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An appropriate research design which may be employed is to perform a random assignment of the 150 students into two groups whereby a certain group is made to perform the jumping exercise and the other group sitting still for 5 minutes, after this concentration level is measured in both groups in other to evaluate if there are differences in concentration levels between the two groups.
Given the hypothesis :
H0: There is no difference in the mean improvement of long-term concentration for either treatment.
Ha: The mean improvement of long-term concentration is greater for the jumping jacks treatment.
A type 1 error occurs when a true null is rejected ; this means that we conclude that The mean improvement of long-term concentration is greater for the jumping jacks treatment when this is actually not true. Hence, students will be allowed to do jumping jack in class but there won't be any improvement.
A type 11 error occurs when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis ; Hence, we conclude that There is no difference in the mean improvement of long-term concentration for either treatment when the jumping Jacks treatment actually does improve concentration level. Hence, the school will fail to allow students do jumping jack in class.
In my opinion, type 11 error is more serious in this scenario because, the school would have failed to identify and ignored a treatment which makes it's students attain a better level of concentration.