Solution :
class Employee:
#Define the
def __
, ID_number,
, email):
#Set the values of
#the data members of the class.
= name
_number = ID_number
= salary
self.email_address = email
#Define the function
def make_employee_dict(list_names, list_ID, list_salary, list_email):
#Define the dictionary
#to store the results.
employee_dict = {}
#Store the length
#of the list.
list_len = len(list_ID)
#Run the loop to
#traverse the list.
for i in range(list_len):
#Access the lists to
#get the required details.
name = list_names[i]
id_num = list_ID[i]
salary = list_salary[i]
email = list_email[i]
#Define the employee
#object and store
#it in the dictionary.
employee_dict[id_num] = Employee(name, id_num, salary, email)
#Return the
#resultant dictionary.
return employee_dict