6 + 8 line Sensory Poems READ INSTRUCTIONS
When writing poetry, it is important to try to use as many of the 5 senses as possible to create an image in the reader’s mind. Follow the line-by-line directions to compose a 6-line sensory poem and an 8-line sensory poem. There are examples provided for your guidance, as well. You may have to be a bit creative when coming up with the different sensory details. Pay attention to capitalization and punctuation!
*6-line sensory:
Why is the sky blue
Line 2: Tell what your subject sounds like.
Line 3: Tell what your subject tastes like (or how you’d imagine).
Line 4: Tell what your subject smells like (or how you’d imagine).
Line 5: Tell what your subject looks like.
Line 6: Tell how your subject makes you feel.
Problems are black. (create a line of metaphor)
They sound like crying children. (create a line of simile)
They taste like motor oil.
They smell like rotting tuna fish sandwiches, left in the sun.
They resemble a blazing fire.
They make me feel unwanted.
*8-line sensory:
Line 1: Write the word “This”.
Line 2: Write 2 words that tell how your subject sounds.
Line 3: Write 2 words that describe how your subject looks.
Line 4: Write 2 words that tell how your subject feels.
Line 5: Write 2 words that tell how your subject tastes.
Line 6: Write 2 words that tell how your subject smells.
Line 7: Write “as” and what your subject reminds you of (creating a line of simile)
Line 8: Write what the subject is.
swish, crackle
white, rectangular
smooth, sharp
sour, sickening
stinky, putrid
ss a soiled gym towel
piece of paper.
Add your own 6-line and 8-line sensory poems on this page. When you’ve looked at the directions and examples, create your own on this document. Also, add lines of Figurative Language when it is suggested. Be creative with font and color and add an image for BONUS.
**Notice and follow capitalization and punctuation.**