Direction: This is answerable by Yes or No
_____1. Wayang Kulit is performed with the use of puppets.
_____2. The GAMELAN plays the music for the puppets of Wayang Kulit.
_____3. SARON is a violin instrument of the Wayang Kulit.
_____4. Plots or stories presented in KABUKI are usually based on historical events.
_____5. KABUKI is an all-male drama.
_____6. In some KABUKI dramas, the musicians play on the stage and become part of
the stage background.
_____7.The music in KABUKI serve as sound effect to the drama. It is played to put more
emphasis to the movements and to signal the start and end of particular scenes.
_____8. There are no masks and facial paintings in a Peking Opera.
_____9. Puppets used in Wayang Kulit are simple and not detailed.
_____10. The Indonesian word “wayang” means “nothing”