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€1.09/(1 L) × $1/(€0.89) × (1 L)/(0.264172 gal) ≈ $4.64/gal
To convert units, multiply by a fraction that has numerator and denominator equal, but with different units. The units you don't want should be placed in the fraction so they cancel the units in the measure you're converting.
Here, we want dollars per gallon. So, we start with the currency value and quantity we're given: euros per liter.
Since euros is in the numerator and we want dollars there, we multiply by a fraction that has dollars in the numerator and euros in the denominator: $1/€0.89.
We have liters in the denominator and we want gallons there. We can cancel the liters unit by putting it in the numerator of our conversion factor: (1 L)/(0.264172 gal).
Multiplying euros per liter by these two conversion factors give us the equivalent in dollars per gallon.