DAY 1:
Q1: Write 4,510 in word form.
A: Four-thousand-five-hundred-ten
Q2: Round 51.65 to the nearest whole number.
A: 52
· 5 = ?
A: 3.75
Q4: (2 × 7) - (2 × 5) = ?
A: 4
DAY 2:
Q1: 2,622 ÷ 3 = ?
A: 874
Q2: 6,940 ÷ 10² = ?
A: 69.4
Q3: Find the area of the rectangle.

Q4: Write an expression for the calculation subtract the difference of 20 and 13 from 70 (I honestly can't read that but I'm assuming the values were these numbers.)
A: (20 + 13) - 70