Read these two paragraphs from the story Hummingbird and Heron:
Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.
One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.
If the first paragraph introduced a third character that also ate fish, how might the next paragraph change?
A. Instead of the Hummingbird not catching as many fish as usual, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird catching a large number of fish.
B. Instead of the Hummingbird immediately flying to Heron's house, the paragraph might have Hummingbird not telling anyone about the empty line.
C. Instead of the Hummingbird fishing, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird taking a long nap and resting in a tree.
D. Instead of the Hummingbird immediately flying to Heron's house, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird trying to figure out who ate all the fish.