First you start solving each mixed fraction:
17/10 - 3/2
Now we have improper fractions; fractions that have a numerator larger than the denominator
Next we will find the common denominator using LCM but what I personally do is I multiply both sides by the opposite fraction’s denominator, like this:
17 x 2 _ 3 x 10 —-> 34 - 30
10 x 2 2 x 10 20 - 20
Now we have 34/20 - 30/20 and with the help of collecting the common denominator, all we have to do now is subtract 30 from 34, and our answer will be 4/20
**when we have the same number as our denominator we only add or subtract the numerator, depending on what question your teacher asks you to answer
*** sum = addition/adding
difference = subtraction/subtracting/taking away