We know that:
y = -5.797
x = 4.0
k/y = p/x + 1
We can rewrite this as:
k = (p/x + 1)*y = p*(y/x) + y
Replacing the values of x and y, we get:
k = p*(-5.797/4.0) + (-5.797)
We could simplify this to get:
k = p*(-1.44925) - 5.797
So we ended with a linear equation, so for a given value of p, we know the k.
Now, we could solve this if we add the restriction that k and p must be integers.
Then we can return to:
k = (p/x + 1)*y = (p + x)*(y/x)
replacing the values we get:
k = (p + 4.0)*(-5.797/4.0)
if p = 3996, then p + 4 = 4000
and 4000*(-5.797/4.0) = 1000*(-5.797) = -5797
Then if we take p = 3996, k will also be an integer:
k = (3996 + 4.0)*(-5.797/4.0) = -5797
p = 3996
k = -5797
is a possible solution of the problem.