Once upon a time there was a unicorn named pixie, she lived in the enchanted woods where fairies and elves lived. This land was really nowhere, it was just a place where they could fulfill their dreams. There were many other unicorns with sparkling wings, but pixie was the only unicorn that didn't shine like the others and made her sad and wanted to run away. And yes, she did. As she ran, she saw a beautiful shining tree. There was a message on the trunk of the tree and it said, “You have one wish”. She wishes she had beautiful wings that sparkle like other unicorns. A gust of wind blew and finally, pixie had beautiful pink and purple wings that sparkled. She felt so delighted with happiness. She then came back and played with those unicorn friends and was never unhappy again
Step-by-step explanation:
adjectives used : enchanted, sparkling, shining, big, beautiful
I may or may not have missed a few adjectives that I wrote, my bad