2 Syllables
(None from the question)
3 Syllables
- aerial
- epigram
- paragraph
- microwave
- catalog
- microscope
- microphone
- logical
- thermostat
- lithograph
4+ Syllables
- biology
- aerodynamic
- autobiography
- biographical
- dehydrated
- grammatical
- thermometer
- chronology
- hydroelectric
- programmable
Step-by-step explanation:
I have been able to section the words into their different number of syllables.
A syllable is known to be one unit of sound in an English word. Actually, syllables join consonants and vowels in order to form words. These syllables can actually have more than one letter.
Below are the divisions of some of the words:
autobiography - au-to-bi-og-ra-phy
biographical - bi-o-graph-i-cal
dehydrated - de-hy-drat-ed
catalog - cat-a-log
thermometer - ther-mom-e-ter
microscope - mi-cro-scope
microphone - mi-cro-phone
chronology - chro-nol-o-gy
logical - log-i-cal
thermostat - ther-mo-stat
lithograph - lith-o-graph
programmable - pro-gram-ma-ble