Soon after the United States achieved independence, its citizens directed their attention to developing the land's natural advantages. Previously, New York's inhabited parts were limited to a small area. Within a short period, the population spread itself over a larger area and grew to over a million inhabitants who could find abundance and avoid competing for resources.
It was near the setting of the sun, on a clear, cold day, when a sleigh was moving slowly up a mountain in the district we have described. The people on the sleigh were in search of their own abundance. The road wound along the edge of a cliff and was upheld by a foundation of logs on one side. A single track, barely wide enough to receive the sleigh, marked the route of the highway, and this was sunk nearly two feet below the surrounding surface.
What is the best summary of the passage?
After achieving independence, Americans began to focus on settling more land. People were looking for additional resources as the population grew. One group of settlers traveled through difficult conditions to seek new opportunities.
The United States began the pioneer movement after achieving independence. The citizens were determined to claim what they felt was rightfully theirs. These citizens included a family traveling on a cliff in search of new freedoms.
The United States achieved its independence, which left people wanting more. People traveled over various parts of New York to settle new land. A group of people on a sleigh were among those traveling to new places.
American citizens felt the need to conquer land after achieving victory in gaining independence. Like the war, the path to new ventures was difficult. This could be seen by one family traveling up an unsteady path in winter.