Job 2
Find how much job 1 pays for 1 hour:
(150 - 30) ÷ 8 = 15
Job 1 pays $15 per hour.
Assuming variable x stands for number of hours worked, job 2 pays $17 an hour.
Put job 1 into a similarly formatted equation:
Variable y = total pay
y = 15x + 30
Compare job 1 and 2:
Job 1: 15x + 30
Job 2: 17x + 25
Just by looking at the two expressions, there is no obvious higher paying job so let's try plugging in 8 hours for x:
15(8) + 30 = 150
17(8) + 25 = 161
$161 is more than $150 so job 2 pays more.