⦁ Libby, a sophomore at a small rural high school, has dreams of becoming a journalist. However, her school lacks the funding for a school newspaper. Libby talks to her parents, her English teacher, and a few friends also interested in journalism, and then forms her own paper. Her parents agree to fund the printing costs of the paper, if Libby shows she is serious about the project. She and her friends work exceptionally hard and release the first issue, and everyone is impressed. It features articles about school athletes, academics, the arts programs, and an interview with Libby’s English teacher on the benefits of reading newspapers. Libby and her friends are then brought before the school board for releasing an unauthorized publication on school grounds. (Libby hadn’t known she needed permission to produce a newspaper.) Libby, her English teacher, and her parents argue that punishing the students involved violates their First Amendment rights. Discuss both Libby and the school board’s positions. Back up your positions with the cases outlined in this unit and with the Amendments mentioned.