See below for answers and explanations
Problem 4:
The line of regression is
We are given that
, and
, therefore our slope,
, is:

Therefore, the slope of the regression line is 0.16, which can be used along with the values of
to find the constant

This means our final regression line is

Problem 5:
The slope,
, means that for every 1 point earned for a student's pre-exam total, their final exam score will increase by 0.16 points for each point they earned on the pre-exam.
Problem 6:
The y-intercept (or constant),
, means that if a student's pre-exam total were 0, then they would expect to get a 30.2 on the final exam.
Problem 7:

Problem 8:
The fraction of variability (aka. coefficient of determination),
, means that a certain proportion (or percentage) of the variance in the response variable can be explained by the explanatory variable. In context, this means that 36% of the variance in final exam scores can be explained by the pre-exam scores.